The first Photo Collage I will describe is about my closest friends, Bestfriends and the other are my classmates from highschool to college. Having many friends can make you smille and ofcourse happy. Having them is really one of the best thing in my life. The friends who tells you hurtful truth instead of a comforting lie. The ones that always there for you. Sticks up for you even if it means getting them in trouble and thinks about your feelings and try to understand you. Someone who can make you laugh even though you don't want too.
I am a type of a friend that is so loud, so sweet, generous and kind. I am also like a friend that will tell you if I am mad at you, and will talk to you to fix it. I can make you happy, smile and ofcourse laugh. I have a big sense of humor for short. But! If I don't feel you as my friends I will just don't talk to you and to the point that I will not notice you. I hate back fighters, I hate liers, I hate the ones that PRETEND to be my friend, I can feel that! yah! I can feel it . For me just love me as your friend and I will love you as a sister or brother.
The second Photo Collage I will discuss is about the place I hope I'll been through. These are the places I want to go to. These are the different landmarks around the world. One of my reason that I took this course is to be a flight attendant and go around the world. Beeing there is really a big big fulfillment to me. And everything I am doing today, tomorrow and to the next day is about that. It's my WISH, it's my DREAM!